Dietitians are the health professionals, ideally trained to implement and change dietary habits of an individual or population. A Dietitian is the one who plans and supervises the preparation of therapeutic or other diets for individuals or groups in hospitals, institutions, other establishments and for workers in particular sectors, gives instructions in selection and proper preparation of food according to dietetic principles, performs duties related to nutrition programs and may be responsible for food purchasing on behalf of an organization or establishment.

The food and nutrition department prepare and serves meals to patients, guests, staff and visitors and provide initial and on-going diet education to patients and staff.

It purposes are to maintain good nutritional status, to correct deficiencies and to prevent number of diseases and to maintain body ability to metabolize the nutrients and thereby to reduce complications in patient life. The department helps in developing, strengthening and implementing some effective health policies to improve diets and encourage the regular practice of keeping good health.


9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Name Designation Qualification & year of Passing
Seethal. K.C Dietitian M.Sc. Food Science & Nutrition- 2010

It currently occupies the first floor in Hrudayalaya.

  • Assessment and diet planning
  • Formulating calorie requirement and nutritional care planning
  • Individual nutritional care for patients
  • Provide better food for patients
  • Op & Ip diet counselling and nutritional education
  • Consulting executive health check up patients
  • Training to dietetic interns
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