The department imparts comprehensive knowledge to the IInd MBBS Students in the subject Forensic Medicine, Toxicology & Medical Jurisprudence. This is during the 3rd, 4th & 5th Semesters of their study period.

The Department started functioning in the College in the year 2003 when Dr. V K Ramankutty took charge as Principal in the college. The Department was fully established in 2004 when Dr. N G Revi and other staff members joined the department.

Sl.NoNameDesignationQualificationDate of Joining
1Dr. Padmakumar KProfessorMBBS, MD, DNB10 April 2013
2Dr. Shinto DevassyAssociate ProfessorMBBS, MD01 January 2024
3Dr. Aiswarya SethumadhavanAssistant ProfessorMBBS, MD18 August 2020
4Dr. Ajith AntonySenior ResidentMBBS01 August 2023
5Dr. Riji Vincent TharakanSenior ResidentDiploma, MBBS, MD27 November 2023
6Dr. Rani J S Senior ResidentMBBS, MD11 January 2024

The Department imparts teaching and practival training in the Subject Forensic Medicine, Toxicology & medical Jurisprudence to the M B B S Students. Practical classes are taken on various aspects of medicolegal autopsy and preparation of various medicolegal certificates. These include PMCs, Wound certification of potency, examination for certification of Sexual offence victim, Certification of cases of Drunkenness, examination of human bones and certification and examination of Subjects for age estimation and certification.

Practical classes also include study of ossification data by taking x-ray films, study of infant death cases, demonstration of various human specimens, bones, snakes, toxicology specimens (includeing poisonous plants), ammunitions, weapons, foetal autopsy specimens, demonstration of various slides of medicolegal importance. Students also have occasion to witness medicolegal autopsies of different cases.

Previous 10 Batches of MBBS Students have witnessed various medicolegal autopsies. (This was from Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram, District Hospital, Palakkad, Victoria Hospital attached to Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute and General Hospital, Trichur ).

It is understood that our Department is the only Forensic Medicine department, among all the Medical colleges in Kerala, including Govt. Medical colleges, which conduct the maximum number of Practical classes to IInd. MBBS Students in the Subject Forensic Medicine & Toxicology.


The Department has an excellent Museum with good collection of wet specimens, human bones, toxicology specimens, including poisonous plants, snakes, weapons, ammunition specimens, entire human skeleton, foetal autopsy specimens, microscopic slides of medicolegal importance, x-ray films for demonstrating ossification data, besides various models, charts ad photographs.


We have 92 Medical books in different subjects. Latest editions of few more books will be added to the library collection shortly.


The Department has a well equipped Mortuary in the college campus with all facilities to conduct medico-legal autopsies / pathological autopsies. The department also have qualified and competent staff, if there is need to conduct autopsies. Since our college is a self-financing college, Govt. have not given permission to conduct medico-legal autopsy.


The study of cephalic index in students of Kerala.

The attitude and trends of Medical students towards Computer based learning in Medical Education.


Change in trends of Poisoning – A hospital based study.

Item analysis of Multiple Choice Question paper.

Effects of problem based learning in comparison with lecture based learning.

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