The Department of Neurology was started on May 24th 2000 with a single Neurologist and 30 beds including a 6 bedded dedicated Neuro ICU. The department evolved to its present strength of 4 Neurologists. An average outpatients of 140 per day and inpatient strength of 60-75 with dedicated Neuro ICU of 10 beds and step down ICU of 6 beds. The department has been recognized by the Medical Council of India for training in DM Neurology since 2013, with an intake of 2 DM residents per year.

The support team consist of Junior Resident Doctors, CRRI's, 15 ICU staff, 30 ward staffs.

The Department Faculty are:

Sl.NoNameDesignationQualificationDate of Joining
1Dr. Gilvaz P CProfessor EmeritusMBBS, MD, DM01 January 2024
2Dr. Fiju ChackoProfessorMBBS, DM,DNB12 July 2003
3Dr. Harisuthan TAssociate ProfessorMBBS, MD, DM14 June 2018
4Dr. Prasanth Varghese CAssistant ProfessorMBBS, MD16 May 2016

The department is fully equipped for the evaluation of all types of neurological problems and has a State of the art Department of Neurophysiology, CT Scan & MRI. It is today recognized as a tertiary level referral centre for neurology in Central Kerala and draws patients from the districts of Malappuram, Palakkad, Ernakulam and districts of Southern Tamilnadu. The Neuro ICU is fully equipped with multi para monitors and ventilators. Low cost and high quality of care make the neuro ICU a much sought after place for the public. The Neurophysiology Department is a busy one, well experienced technicians are doing about 200 EEG's, 125 NCS per month. We are also doing EMG, VEP, repetitive nerve stimulation, SSEP, Brain stem Auditory evoked potentials, vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, autonomic function tests, Transcranial Doppler, Muscle biopsy, Nerve biopsy. A well equipped Stroke Rehabilitation Unit with a team of efficient Physiotherapists and Neuropsychiatry faculty are offering a well appreciated service.

A Stroke and interventional neurology department with DSA, Thrombectomy was started since 2018 with an average of 15-20 cases per month.


Academics forms a very important part of the daily routine in the Department of Neurology. We have a 100% pass record including a Rank II and IV in the KUHS. Apart from the luxurious clinical material, the following academic activities are undertaken under the guidance of the teaching faculty of the department:

  • Short topic session - Daily
  • Long topics session - Twice weekly
  • Case presentation - Twice weekly
  • Journal Club - Twice a month
  • Special posting at SCTIMST & NIMHANS
  • Training in Neuro Interventions
DM (PG) Doctors
1Dr. Arun G PudoorDNB2013-2016
2Dr. Varghese A PallanMD2014-2017
3Dr. John J VaidyaMD2014-2017
4Dr. DineshkumarMD2015-2018
5Dr. Sangeetha C JosephMD2015-2018
6Dr. Neena BabyMD, DCH [Paediatrics]2016
7Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalMD2016
8Dr. Alex BabyMD2017
9Dr. Sabu George KDCH, DNB [Paediatrics]2017
10Dr. Rohith P SMD2018
11Dr. Kevin RejiMD2018
2016Dr. Varghese PallanNSI-Hemicraniectomy in Large MCA Stroke - outcomes in a tertiary care centre3rd
Dr. John J VaidyaSHINE-Chennai2nd
Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalBNET Quiz held at Bangalore [November 2016]2nd
2017Dr. Sangeetha C JosephWomen with stroke [TVM Neurocon - 2017]2nd
Dr. Sangeetha C JosephKAN Quiz - 2017 [DM Neurology Teaching Programme]2nd
2018Dr. Dineshkumar / Dr. Neena BabyPaediatric Neuro Exchange Quiz, TVM 2018 [International Conference]1st
Dr. Neena Baby / Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalARPRAN 2018 - National Level Quiz held at NIMHANS, Bengaluru3rd
Dr. Neena Baby / Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalEmerging Brain Quiz - 2018, MCH, TVM [South India Level]2nd
Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalNSI Midterm Meet - Perinthalmanna Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation2nd
Dr. Sangeetha C JosephDM Neurology - 2018, KUHS - final year Examination2nd
Dr. DineshkumarDM Neurology - 2018, KUHS - final year Examination4th
Dr. Neena BabyKAN Quiz - 2018, MCH, TVM [DM Neurology Teaching Programme]1st
Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalKAN Quiz - 2018, MCH, TVM [DM Neurology Teaching Programme]3rd
Dr. Neena Baby
Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal
SHINE Quiz – 2019 [All India DM Neurology Teaching Programme]
SHINE - 2019, Neurologic Competition [All India DM Neurology Teaching Program]
Paper & Poster Presentations
Dr. Neena Baby1. Clinical Profile, Risk Factors and outcome Predictors of Arterial Ischemic Stroke in the Young - KAN Midterm Meet 2017-KTM, NSI 2018-ALP, KAN-MEET 2018
2. Dengue Fever presenting as hemorrhagic brainstem encephalitis with thalamic involvement - Poster Presention at National Paediatric Neurology Conference, Neuropedicon [October 2017]
3. Clinical Profile & Outcome Predictors of Ischemic Stroke in Young - KAN-Mid term MEET [Oct/2018]
4. Hemorrhagic Stroke in Young - Kairali Neuroscience Society Mid term MEET - [Oct/2018]
Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal1. IAN 2017 – Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation
2. NSI 2017 Midterm Meet - Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation
3. ICTRIMS 2018 – Agrypnia excitata : A dark horse
4. KAN - MEET 2018 - Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation
Ongoing Research Projects
Dr. Mary Anne PoovathingalA Clinical Profile of Bell's Palsy with Special Reference to Electrophysiological prognostic measures
Dr. Neena BabyThe Clinical profile, etiology, risk factors and outcome predictors of patients with young stroke
Dr. Alex BabyPrevalence of Nonmotor features across the various stages of idiopathic parkinson's disease and its correlation with the severity, duration and treatment
Dr. Sabu George KClinicoetiological Profile of Late Onset Seizures
Dr. Rohith P SCommon Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness as a predictor of recurrence in Ischemic Stroke
Dr. Kevin RejiClinical and Electrophysiological determinants of outcome in patients with GBS
1A rare case of paraparesis - j.Evolution Med.denp.Sci.2016; 5[69]; 5047-48. doi:10.14260 / j.mds/2016/1146Dr. Dineshkumar
2A rare case of Quadriparesis, J.Evolution Med.Dent.Sci,2016;5[88]:0000-000, DOI:10.14260/Jemds/2016/10000Dr. Dineshkumar
3A Prospective observational Study on Electgrocardiogram and Troponin Changes in Stroke - IJCAR - January 2018Dr. Dineshkumar
4A Peculiar Case of Spontaneous Bilateral Subdural Hemorrhage - KMJ 2017Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal
5A Rare Presentation of Myelin Oligodentrocyte Glycoprotien IgG associated Optic Neuritis; Paediatric Neurology. 2019 Mar 1; 92: 78-9Dr. Neena Baby / Dr. Sabu George
6A Rare Cause of Childhood Stroke – Neena Baby
7Dengue : Not just fever. A rare presentation with literature review – accepted for publication in Journal of Pediatric Neurology [Mar.2019]Dr. Neena Baby
8"White Cerebellum" Sign : A poor prognostic sign doi.10.1016 / j.pediatrneurol.2019.03.024Dr. Neena Baby
1Hemicraniectomy for large MCA Territory Infarction outcome in patients and to compare the Neurological Profile of Thrombolysed and non thrombolysed patientsDr. Varghese A Pallan-NSI 2016
2A case of fungal Brain abscessDr. John J. Vaidya-KAN-2015
3Acute Stroke - A study of Neurological Profile of Thrombolysed and non thrombolysed patientsDr. Varghese A Pallan-KAN 2015
4A case of A typical Manifestation of Myasthenia GravisDr. Varghese A Pallan–KAN 2014
5HOW IMPROTANT IS THE HEART ON STROKE OUTCOME - Correlation between Troponin T and Stroke outcomeDr. Dinesh Kumar-WSC October 2016
6South Indian Women with Stroke – Isn't it time to rethink?Dr. Sangeetha C Joseph-WSC October 2016
7A Comparative Study between Thrombolysed & non-Thrombolysed Patients with MCA Territory InfarctDr. Varghese A Pallan
8Life After Stroke – 6 months follow up study in patients admitted with acute strokeDr. John J Vaidya
9Role of Electrocardiogram & Troponin T in Stroke outcome - A Prospective Observational StudyDr. Dinesh Kumar
10A rare case of Brain Abscess [case report], Journal of evolution of Medical and Dental ScienceDr. Dinesh Kumar
11A Prospective Observation Study on the risk factors and door to Hospital delay in South Indian Women with StrokeDr. Sangeetha C Joseph
12A rare case of Paraparesis [DOI:10:14260/jemds/2016/1146]Dr. Dinesh Kumar


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