Dr. Vigil Raj Zachariah

Degrees MBBS / MD
Designation Associate Professor
Department Anaesthesiology

Senior Resident - Government Medical College, Thrissur (2009 - 2010)

Associate professor - Jubilee Mission Medical College, Thrissur (2024 - ongoing)

Assistant professor - Jubilee Mission Medical College, Thrissur (2011 - 2024)


Hemodynamic Responses and intubating conditions in laryngeal mask airway insertion a comparative study of propofol versus sevoflurane - International journal of Medical Research, 2017

Perioperative Outcome of Jaundiced Parturients undergoing Caesarian Section - A Retrospective Analysis - Kerala Medical journal, 2017

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 66(11):p 789-795, November 2022. | DOI: 10.4103/ija.ija_332_22. Effect of a single intraoperative dose of dexamethasone on glycaemic profile in postoperative patients - A double-blind randomised controlled study, 2022

Information Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical PharmacologyTransversus abdominis plane block supplementation during iliac crest bone graft harvesting – Effect on postoperative pain - Information Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology, 2018

Thiopentone versus propofol-anaesthetic of choice in patients undergoing modified electroconvulsive therapy - International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2017