
Pharmacology plays a crucial role in combating diseases through the use of medicines. The rise of pharmacology in the mid-20th century expanded the range of diseases effectively treatable with drug therapy. Scientific research drives the development of new and successful drugs by providing insights into how drugs work and their effects on living organisms at various levels, including cells, membranes, enzymes, and DNA.
The Department of Pharmacology at our institution educates MBBS undergraduate students on various aspects of therapy and provides them with a solid understanding of drugs. Through comprehensive training, students graduate as proficient doctors capable of prescribing the right medication to the right patient in the correct dosage. The overarching goal of teaching undergraduate Pharmacology and Therapeutics is to instill the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for safe and effective prescribing, ensuring competence throughout a physician's professional career.

Departmental Objectives







Animal house


Demonstration Hall


Departmental Library


Academic activities


Institutional Ethics Committee


Courses Offered
