Appointments booked online cannot be cancelled / transferred by the patient. Change of doctor or appointment date is also not allowed.
Failure to report on time on the appointed day will be treated as no show.
Appointment slots / time is only provisional and is subject to change based on the duty schedule of the concerned doctor.
Jubilee Hospital reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the appointment at any time, to accommodate emergency patients.
In the event of any cancellation / rescheduling, the same will be intimated to the patient through telephone / SMS or Email provided by the patient at the time of online registration. The patient shall be entitled to accept the rescheduled date / time slot.
In the event of cancellation / rescheduling of the appointment by Jubilee Hospital, the Hospital will be liable only to refund the collected fee and will not be responsible for any other cost, expenses or damages.
Please provide at-least Confirmation printout / SMS when you present yourself at the Hospital.
If you have problems while booking new online appointments, please call 0487-2432200.
Use New Patient Link, if it is your first visit. If you already have an existing Register Number, please use – Review Registration Link.
Before fixing the appointment, the User is advised to carefully check the details, the credentials and terms and conditions applicable to the Service Provider.
On arrival, if you have problems with your new online appointments, please contact our Front Office.
Cancellation / Refund policy
There is no cancellation / refund option for the end users after payment is made. In case of duplicate payment, please approach Front office or accounts department of the institution for refund with proof of the transaction reference/ your bank statement. Refund will be processed within 07-10 working days depending on respective payment gateway processing and card issuing bank policies.
Jubilee Mission Hospital is offering Tele or Video consults where patients are not being able to reach the clinic.
A Tele or Video consult can never be compared to a normal in-clinic consult where the doctor is able to physically examine the patient.
You are advised to come to the clinic for consults whenever you are in a position for the same. If the consult cannot wait, then only you should opt for a Tele or Video consult.
You are advised to confirm the diagnosis, get a prescription and start with your advised treatment plan. Whenever you are able to come to the clinic for a physical consult, please do. In case your symptoms/condition does not improve, immediately reach out to us or visit the nearest hospital.
By accepting Tele or Video consultation, you agree and accept that the consultants/doctors and all personnel directly or indirectly involved with any part of the Tele or Video consult set up shall not be held responsible in the unlikely event of an error in diagnosis or management due to the occurrence of sub optimal technical conditions. While every attempt will be made to ensure ideal conditions, unforeseen situations may occur.
Jubilee Mission Hospital and/or its doctors shall not be responsible for complete accuracy of Tele or Video consultation, limited in its scope as it is, with no physical examination of the patient being possible. While every attempt will be made to ensure comprehensiveness of the consultation, unforeseen situations may arise. Your accepting Tele or Video consultation will be taken as your consent for a Tele or Video consult with its ingrained limitations.
Before booking TELEMEDICINE, call +91 7994724568 (10 AM to 4 PM) Monday to Saturday to confirm the doctor's availability.
WhatsApp with 4G connection is required for TELEMEDICINE
By clicking on I Agree you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions including any changes in terms and conditions updated from time to time through our website.
The Department of Neurology at Jubilee Mission Medical College began its journey on May 24th, 2000, with a single Neurologist and 30 beds, including a dedicated 6-bed Neuro ICU. Over time, the department has grown to include four Neurologists, catering to an average of 140 outpatients per day and maintaining an inpatient capacity of 60-75 beds. The Neuro ICU now boasts 10 dedicated beds, with an additional 6 beds in the step-down ICU.
Recognized by the Medical Council of India since 2013, the department offers training in DM Neurology with an intake of 2 DM residents annually.
Supporting the clinical team are Junior Resident Doctors, CRRI's (Compulsory Rotatory Residential Interns), and a dedicated staff of 15 ICU personnel and 30 ward staff members. Together, they ensure comprehensive care and treatment for patients with neurological disorders, providing both outpatient and inpatient services, as well as critical care management in the Neuro ICU.
Academics forms a very important part of the daily routine in the Department of Neurology. We have a 100% pass record including a Rank II and IV in the KUHS. Apart from the luxurious clinical material, the following academic activities are undertaken under the guidance of the teaching faculty of the department:
Short topic session - Daily
Long topics session - Twice weekly
Case presentation - Twice weekly
Journal Club - Twice a month
Special posting at SCTIMST & NIMHANS
Training in Neuro Interventions
DM (PG) Doctors
Doctor Name
Dr. Arun G Pudoor
Dr. Varghese A Pallan
Dr. John J Vaidya
Dr. Dineshkumar
Dr. Sangeetha C Joseph
Dr. Neena Baby
MD, DCH [Paediatrics]
Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal
Dr. Alex Baby
Dr. Sabu George K
DCH, DNB [Paediatrics]
Dr. Rohith P S
Dr. Kevin Reji
Dr. Varghese Pallan
NSI-Hemicraniectomy in Large MCA Stroke - outcomes in a tertiary care centre
Clinical Profile, Risk Factors and outcome Predictors of Arterial Ischemic Stroke in the Young - KAN Midterm Meet 2017-KTM, NSI 2018-ALP, KAN-MEET 2018
Dengue Fever presenting as hemorrhagic brainstem encephalitis with thalamic involvement - Poster Presention at National Paediatric Neurology Conference, Neuropedicon [October 2017]
Clinical Profile & Outcome Predictors of Ischemic Stroke in Young - KAN-Mid term MEET [Oct/2018]
Hemorrhagic Stroke in Young - Kairali Neuroscience Society Mid term MEET - [Oct/2018]
Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal
IAN 2017 – Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation
NSI 2017 Midterm Meet - Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation
ICTRIMS 2018 – Agrypnia excitata : A dark horse
KAN - MEET 2018 - Bell's Palsy and its Electrophysiological Correlation
Ongoing Research Projects
Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal
A Clinical Profile of Bell's Palsy with Special Reference to Electrophysiological prognostic measures
Dr. Neena Baby
The Clinical profile, etiology, risk factors and outcome predictors of patients with young stroke
Dr. Alex Baby
Prevalence of Nonmotor features across the various stages of idiopathic parkinson's disease and its correlation with the severity, duration and treatment
Dr. Sabu George K
Clinicoetiological Profile of Late Onset Seizures
Dr. Rohith P S
Common Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness as a predictor of recurrence in Ischemic Stroke
Dr. Kevin Reji
Clinical and Electrophysiological determinants of outcome in patients with GBS
A rare case of paraparesis - j.Evolution Med.denp.Sci.2016; 5[69]; 5047-48. doi:10.14260 / j.mds/2016/1146
Dr. Dineshkumar
A rare case of Quadriparesis, J.Evolution Med.Dent.Sci,2016;5[88]:0000-000, DOI:10.14260/Jemds/2016/10000
Dr. Dineshkumar
A Prospective observational Study on Electgrocardiogram and Troponin Changes in Stroke - IJCAR - January 2018
Dr. Dineshkumar
A Peculiar Case of Spontaneous Bilateral Subdural Hemorrhage - KMJ 2017
Dr. Mary Anne Poovathingal
A Rare Presentation of Myelin Oligodentrocyte Glycoprotien IgG associated Optic Neuritis; Paediatric Neurology. 2019 Mar 1; 92: 78-9
Dr. Neena Baby / Dr. Sabu George
A Rare Cause of Childhood Stroke –
Dr. Neena Baby
Dengue : Not just fever. A rare presentation with literature review – accepted for publication in Journal of Pediatric Neurology [Mar.2019]
Hemicraniectomy for large MCA Territory Infarction outcome in patients and to compare the Neurological Profile of Thrombolysed and non thrombolysed patients
Dr. Varghese A Pallan-NSI 2016
A case of fungal Brain abscess
Dr. John J. Vaidya-KAN-2015
Acute Stroke - A study of Neurological Profile of Thrombolysed and non thrombolysed patients
Dr. Varghese A Pallan-KAN 2015
A case of A typical Manifestation of Myasthenia Gravis
Dr. Varghese A Pallan–KAN 2014
HOW IMPROTANT IS THE HEART ON STROKE OUTCOME - Correlation between Troponin T and Stroke outcome
Dr. Dinesh Kumar-WSC October 2016
South Indian Women with Stroke – Isn't it time to rethink?
Dr. Sangeetha C Joseph-WSC October 2016
A Comparative Study between Thrombolysed & non-Thrombolysed Patients with MCA Territory Infarct
Dr. Varghese A Pallan
Life After Stroke – 6 months follow up study in patients admitted with acute stroke
Dr. John J Vaidya
Role of Electrocardiogram & Troponin T in Stroke outcome - A Prospective Observational Study
Dr. Dinesh Kumar
A rare case of Brain Abscess [case report], Journal of evolution of Medical and Dental Science
Dr. Dinesh Kumar
A Prospective Observation Study on the risk factors and door to Hospital delay in South Indian Women with Stroke
Dr. Sangeetha C Joseph
A rare case of Paraparesis [DOI:10:14260/jemds/2016/1146]
Dr. Dinesh Kumar