Like adults, children suffer from various surgical conditions. Infections and inflammations affecting various organs are quiet common in children. Similarly, children are susceptible to various forms of trauma including burns as much as the adults. Also, neoplastic conditions ,both benign and malignant are not uncommon in children. However , unlike adults, congenital malformations involving each and every organ in the body take major share of the paediatric surgical work.Most of these malformations are complex and require specialised and advanced care. Hence the need for a separate speciality - Paediatric surgery.
The speciality was started for the first time in Jubilee Mission Medical College in the year 2005, with Dr.Narayanan kutty, Retired Professor, Govt. Medical College, Thrissur In charge. Emergency services are available 24 hours a day with the co-operation of the Paediatric and Neoanatal departments. Expert services are provided to the surgical neonates with the help of the sophiscated Neonatal Intensive care Unit.
The undergraduates are given a briefing about the common Peadiatric and neonatal surgical problems, during their Paediatric postings, which is sure to help them in their professional work.