Dr Aparna Namboodiripad

Degrees MBBS / MD / Postgraduate Program in Paediatric Nutrition / Research to Publication BMJ course / Basic Course In Biomedical Research / Revised basic course workshop
Designation Associate Professor
Department Paediatrics

Efficacy of Maternal Magnesium Sulfate Administ -2022)ration on the Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Preterm Babies: A Randomised Controlled Trial -(Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research

Effect of Instructional training package on level -(International Journal of Nursing Education and Research -of Knowledge and practice among primary school teachers regarding identification and management of selected learning disabilities in children -(International Journal of Nursing Education and Research - 2021)

Clinical profile of intussusception in children admitted to a tertiary care centre in Kerala -( International Journal of Medical Science And Diagnosis Research -2020)

A study on the characteristics determiningresponse to steroids and relapses in Nephrotic syndrome in paediatric patients -(Journal of Evidence Based Medicine-2018)

Evaluation of modified paediatric logistic organ dysfunction scoring system in predicting the outcome in critically ill children -(International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics-2018)

Efficacy of milking of the cord on the neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm babies -(Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences -2018)

Effect of parental knowledge and attitude in the -(International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics-2016)control of childhood asthma -(

Rotavirus: Preventive Vaccines and a Rare Side Effect -(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. -2020)

Validation of the Paediatric Asthma Score (PAS) in Evaluation of Acute Exacerbation of Asthma in Children. -(Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society-2023)