Appointments booked online cannot be cancelled / transferred by the patient. Change of doctor or appointment date is also not allowed.
Failure to report on time on the appointed day will be treated as no show.
Appointment slots / time is only provisional and is subject to change based on the duty schedule of the concerned doctor.
Jubilee Hospital reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the appointment at any time, to accommodate emergency patients.
In the event of any cancellation / rescheduling, the same will be intimated to the patient through telephone / SMS or Email provided by the patient at the time of online registration. The patient shall be entitled to accept the rescheduled date / time slot.
In the event of cancellation / rescheduling of the appointment by Jubilee Hospital, the Hospital will be liable only to refund the collected fee and will not be responsible for any other cost, expenses or damages.
Please provide at-least Confirmation printout / SMS when you present yourself at the Hospital.
If you have problems while booking new online appointments, please call 0487-2432200.
Use New Patient Link, if it is your first visit. If you already have an existing Register Number, please use – Review Registration Link.
Before fixing the appointment, the User is advised to carefully check the details, the credentials and terms and conditions applicable to the Service Provider.
On arrival, if you have problems with your new online appointments, please contact our Front Office.
Cancellation / Refund policy
There is no cancellation / refund option for the end users after payment is made. In case of duplicate payment, please approach Front office or accounts department of the institution for refund with proof of the transaction reference/ your bank statement. Refund will be processed within 07-10 working days depending on respective payment gateway processing and card issuing bank policies.
Jubilee Mission Hospital is offering Tele or Video consults where patients are not being able to reach the clinic.
A Tele or Video consult can never be compared to a normal in-clinic consult where the doctor is able to physically examine the patient.
You are advised to come to the clinic for consults whenever you are in a position for the same. If the consult cannot wait, then only you should opt for a Tele or Video consult.
You are advised to confirm the diagnosis, get a prescription and start with your advised treatment plan. Whenever you are able to come to the clinic for a physical consult, please do. In case your symptoms/condition does not improve, immediately reach out to us or visit the nearest hospital.
By accepting Tele or Video consultation, you agree and accept that the consultants/doctors and all personnel directly or indirectly involved with any part of the Tele or Video consult set up shall not be held responsible in the unlikely event of an error in diagnosis or management due to the occurrence of sub optimal technical conditions. While every attempt will be made to ensure ideal conditions, unforeseen situations may occur.
Jubilee Mission Hospital and/or its doctors shall not be responsible for complete accuracy of Tele or Video consultation, limited in its scope as it is, with no physical examination of the patient being possible. While every attempt will be made to ensure comprehensiveness of the consultation, unforeseen situations may arise. Your accepting Tele or Video consultation will be taken as your consent for a Tele or Video consult with its ingrained limitations.
Before booking TELEMEDICINE, call +91 7994724568 (10 AM to 4 PM) Monday to Saturday to confirm the doctor's availability.
WhatsApp with 4G connection is required for TELEMEDICINE
By clicking on I Agree you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions including any changes in terms and conditions updated from time to time through our website.
Nursing School
60 years have now rolled on, since Jubilee Mission School of Nursing; a unit of Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute, Thrissur came into existence in 1964. Since then we have been shaping the career and lives of thousands of Nurses and they spread their wings all over the world. Like all other Educational Institutions under Catholic auspices, we have been open to all people irrespective of religion, caste or community and is recognized by Indian Nursing Council and Kerala Nursing Council.
Today Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, a Christian minority Institution established and administered by the Jubilee Mission Hospital Trust, a charitable organization under the Archdiocese of Trichur have five institutions placed under it.
Demonstrate competency in providing health care to individuals, sick or well by nursing practices
Assess the nursing need of clients from birth to death
Demonstrate the use of critical thinking in clinical decision making
Provide effective nursing care for maintaining best possible level of health in all aspects
Promote self-care in people under their care
Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice
Evaluate the health policy process for the improvement of health care for all
Apply knowledge from the humanities, biological and behavioural sciences to function as a nurse
Function effectively with members of the health team and community applying the knowledge of human relations and communication skills in their work.
Our vision is to provide "SERVICE WITH LOVE" for the suffering humanity with compassion and respect and to be recognized as a global leader in Medical Education & Research. Our founding fathers have undoubtedly stated that the guiding principle of this Institute is charity emanating from the mandate of Jesus Christ the Divine Healer, "As you did it to one of the least of these brothren, you did it to me". By making ourselves the neighbour of every one, who is in pain and distress, we in Jubilee Mission envisage to share "His life in its fullness" with all people, irrespective of caste, creed or community, especially the indigent, the underprivileged and the marginalized.
To advance in the science of health and health care through innovative research teaching and clinical practice as well as to educate nursing professionals to inspire optimal health and well being in individuals, families and communities.
To make available the best quality health care as well as medical education at affordable means.
To uphold and promote the ethical values and principles of morality as interpreted by the Catholic Church especially the value of human life and human dignity in the field of health care, medical education.
To create and foster a centre of excellence for medical research.
The basic Diploma course in General Nursing and Midwifery is geared to the health needs of the individual, family, community and the country at large.
The aims of the Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery programme are:
To prepare nurses with a sound educational programme in nursing to enable them to function as efficient members of the health team, beginning with the competencies for first level positions in all kinds of health care settings.
Increase collaboration with the community.
To serve as a base for further professional education and specialization in nursing.To help nurses in their personal and professional development, so that they are able to make maximum contribution to the society as useful and productive individuals, citizens as well as efficient nurses.
The school of nursing will strategically plan enrollment growth to respond to the rapidly changing health care environment.
We the nursing educators of the School of Nursing, Jubilee Mission Hospital, Thrissur , believe that Nursing is an art and science which assist the individual family and community in recognizing understanding and meeting the health needs by preventive, curative and rehabilitative science and if condition necessitates help to have peaceful death.
We accept the definition of health given by W.H.O. “ A state of complete physical , mental, social and spiritual well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Education is a lifelong process beginning with under graduate studies continuing through graduate studies and encompassing continuing education for professional development.
We believe that this education is directed towards the development of the student as a person and as a member of the health team.
A strong educational foundation enables nurses to conduct evidence based practice, engage in scholarly activities and translate knowledge in health science and health care to improve health care delivery to all human beings.
We also believe that this programme should help develop intellectual abilities, enquiring mind and problem solving skills.
We believe that human relation skills, communication skills and a good knowledge in basic science are essential for learning and practicing nursing.
We recognize that the learning takes place in the classroom, hospital and community effectively.
We believe that at the completion of diploma in nursing course the learner should perform his/her duties effectively as an individual, citizen and professional nurse.
We believe that we have a responsibility in helping the students to develop pride in the profession and guide his/her with respect to the higher education and better future.
1952 - Jubilee Mission Hospital started its functioning.
1964 - Midwifery (ANM) course started.
1966 - Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery course commenced
with an intake of 35 students and discontinued the ANM course
1993 - Number of seats for GNM course enhanced to 45.
1995 - Number of seats for GNM course increased to 50. At present
194 students are here. During these 50 years, 2080 students were
passed out and are spreading their wings all over the world
2015 - Golden Jubilee Year
Nov. 9, 2016 - Jubilee Mission School shifted (Hospital campus) to
College of Nursing Campus, Kachery
Sr. Regi Augustine
Mrs. Siji Jose
Vice Principal
No Of Faculty
Qualification and Year
Teaching Experience
Sr. Sumy Paul, FCC
M.Sc (N), Medical Surgical Nsg.
8 Years, 2 Months
Ms. Annu Joseph
Vice Principal
B.Sc (N), 2011
4 Years 6 Months
Miss. Deepa Tom
B.Sc (N), 2013
2 Years 10 Months
Sr. Beena Joseph
P C B.Sc (N), 2012
3 Years 10 Months
Mr. Edwin David
M.Sc (N), Psychiatric Nsg.
4 Years 8 Months
Sr. Siji Pius
B.Sc (N), 2011
2 Years 7 Months
Ms. Siji John
PC B.Sc (N), 2013
2 Years 7 Months
Mrs. Simi George
PC B.Sc (N), 2014
2 Years 7 Months
Ms. Jipsa Raichel Varghese
PC B.Sc (N), 2014
2 Years 5 Months
Ms. Mariya Paul
B.Sc (N), 2011
2 Years 8 Months
Ms. Jolly. N
B.Sc (N), 2013
2 Years 5 Months
Mrs. Mariya E. J
P C B.Sc (N), 2012
2 Years 2 Months
Sr. Reji Augustin
P C B.Sc (N), 2016
1 Years 3 Months
Ms. Greenu Thomas
B.Sc (N), 2013
1 Year
Mrs. Deepa Jose
B.Sc (N), 2014
1 Year 2 Months
Mrs. Sreelakshmi
B.Sc (N), 2013
2 Years 1 Month
Juna K.J
P B. B.Sc (N), 2013
1 Year
Mrs. Siji Jose
P B B.Sc (N), 2012
4 Years 6 Months
Mrs. Neethu Antony
P B. B.Sc. (N), 2013
2 Years
Mrs. Steffy Jose
B.Sc. (N), 2011
1 Year 3 Months
Mrs. Rakhi Gopi
B.Sc. (N)
1 Year 7 Months
Mrs. Manjary P
B.Sc. (N)
6 Months
Mrs. Praseetha A.P
B.Sc. (N), 2015
1 Year
There shall be 25% internal assessment for all theory papers and 50%
Internal Assessment for all practicals.A regular and periodic
assessment for each subject and clinical /field experience is to be
carried out.For the purpose of internal assessment there shall be
written test for each subject taken by the respective teacher each.
The student shall be required to maintain the Practical record book
and report of observation visits and diary for assessment by the
teachers concerned, various other techniques for assessment must also
be used. Marks shall be allotted for each of the following.
Case Study
Case presentation
Nursing care plan
Maintenance of record books (procedure Book and Midwifery Record book)
Daily diary
Area vise clinical assessment is to be carried out. Minimum two
assessments are required in each clinical area.Regular record of
theory and practical is to be maintained. Task oriented assessment is
to be undertaken. Assessment shall be maintained by teacher for each
student for every month. This can be checked by the Council / Board.
Principal shall sign all the records before examination.
A candidate must secure 25% marks in theory and 50% marks in practical
separately in internal assessment . To be successful a student must
get 50% marks in the internal as well as Council or Board Examination
of each year. Student who appears for any supplementary examination,
her /his fresh internal assessment in the failed subject
(s)/practical(s) is to be sent to the Council / Board.
State Nursing Council / Board should prepare a model performance
evaluation for each of the clinical area and circulate to all; Schools
of Nursing for maintaining uniformity.
Each student is required to maintain the record of following
assignment in clinical areas in each year:
First Year
Nursing Care plan
2 in medical & 2 in surgical wards
Daily Diary
1 each in urban and rural community field
1 each in urban and rural community field
Family study including family care plan
1 each in urban and rural community field
Health assessment of an Individual in the family
1 each in urban and rural community field
Community profile
1 each in urban and rural community field
Second Year
Nursing Care Plan
Case Study
Case Presentation
Drug Study
Process Recording
Third Year
Nursing Care Plan
Case Study
Case Presentation
Drug Study
Observation Report (New born)
Health Talk
Family Health Assessment
Family Health Survey
Group Project
Maternity & Gynae.
Daily Diary
(Urban & Community)
5+1 incidental
In addition to above, each student shall maintain a procedure book and midwifery case book signed by concerned teacher/supervisor and Principal which is to be presented to examiner each year.
The above assignments are to be evaluated by concerned teachers for the purpose of internal assessment and shall be presented to the external examiner in a complied form and it should be duly signed by her and should be stamped as cancelled after practical examination.
Practical Examination for Psychiatric nursing is to be conducted at the place of clinical experience at the end of clinical instructions by school itself and Internal Assessment marks should be sent to the Council / Board.
Grading of Examination
Examination shall be graded on aggregate marks of the entire three and half years of the training programme, as follows:
80 % and above
First Division
70 % to 79 %
Second Division
60% to 69 %
50 % to 59%
Theory Examination
Nursing teacher with minimum five years of teaching experience (recent) in a particular subject may be appointed as paper setters and examiners for that particular subject only.
Question paper should have a combination of essay, short answer and objective type questions (situation based Questions)
All units of a subject and sub-subject should be given due weight age in accordance with the instructional hours prescribed.
To create and foster a centre of excellence for medical research.
Practical Examination
Practical examination is to be conducted in the respective clinical area.
Nursing teacher with minimum of five years of teaching/ clinical teaching experience (Recent) in a particular subject / clinical area may n appointed as practical examiner.
Not more than 10 to 15 student are to be examined in a day.
Internal and external examiner shall jointly evaluate each candidate for practical examination.
Upon completion of the internship period the student shall be able to
Demonstrates skills in the discharge of professional
responsibilities independently and effectively
Demonstrate beginning skills in teaching patients / clients in
health care setting and nursing student in clinical settings in an
effective manner.
Demonstrate beginning skills in administration and management of
nursing units, health clinics and health centers.
Assist / participate in research activities of the of the
institution / organization in various health care settings.
Identify and appreciate the needs for continuing and in-service
education in practice of nursing.
Details of internship period
Total duration
26 weeks / 6 Months
1 week
1 week
For the remaining 24 weeks students will be posted in different
clinical areas and also undergo formal class room instructions.
Total working hours of each day
Hours per week
8 x 6 = 48
Total hours of Internship period
48 x 24=1152
Total hours of theory instruction
8 x 6 = 48
Total hours of clinical posting
1152 - 190=962
Student shall attend one hour class daily and 7 hours for
clinical experience or one day for theory and five days for
clinical experience shall be planned by institutes as per their
suitability which shall come to 40 hours per week clinical and 8
hours for theory.
Break up of Clinical Experience
Medical Nursing
3 wks
Surgical Nursing
3 wks
Paediatric Nursing
3 wks
Psychiatric Nursing
3 wks
Community Health Nursing
4 wks
4 wks
Student’s area of interest
2 wks
2 weeks of night clinical experience is to be
given during this period with night supervisor.
2 wks
Student’s area of interest
2 wks
24 wks
Theory Examination
Assessment of Six Months Period
School Examination
Total marks
Educational methods & Media for Teaching
in Practice of Nursing and Research in
Professional Trends and Adjustments,
Administration and Ward Management &
Health Economics
Practical Evaluation : School Assessment
Medical and Surgical Nursing
Paediatric Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Practical Examination a the end of the six month is to be conducted by the school at its own level to assess clinical skills, ward management and professional trends. Marks are to be submitted to the council for addition in the overall result.
Diploma by the council / Board will be issued only after successful completion of the internship period.
“ Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.” Ps
Students are expected to maintain a very high standard of discipline
all through out their period here. Students shall remain under the
direct control of the Principal as well as the Director of the
Students are expected to attend classes, duty or on particular
occasions in proper uniform according to the rules of the School.
Uniforms shall always be neat, clean and well ironed. They should
display their I.D. card at all times to establish their identity.
The students should assemble in the class room 5 minutes before the
class starts. They may be marked absent if late and will loose
Students are expected to observe order and silence at the school,
hospital and its premises and make as little noise as possible while
moving from one place to another.
Students are not allowed to loiter around the working areas and not
to bring their friends and relatives to the campus without getting
prior permission from the principal.
Ragging in any form is a criminal offence. 'Ragging' means doing any
act, by disorderly conduct, to a student of an educational
institution, which causes or likely to cause physical or
psychological harm or raising apprehension or fear or shame or
embarrassment to that student and includes (i) teasing, abusing or
playing practical jokes on, or causing hurt to or (ii) asking a
student to do any act or perform some thing which such student will
not, in the ordinary course willingly do.
It is strictly prohibited. Who ever commits, participates in, abets
or propagates ragging within or outside, the institution shall – on
conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may be
extended to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may
extend ten thousand rupees. Whenever a complaint is received, the
student who is accused of the offence will be suspended immediately
and complaint will be forwarded to the police.
Students are forbidden to affix posters, display materials and other
articles on the walls of the room and building of the institution.
Students of the school are forbidden to take any active part in
political agitation. Students getting involved in any activity that
may interfere with the corporate life and educational discipline of
the school will be liable to be suspended or expelled from the
school. The Principal shall have full powers to inflict the
punishment like fine, loss of attendance, suspension or expulsion.
Students are prohibited from organizing any meeting or entertainment
in the school or collecting money for the purpose within the school
premises, without the permission of the Principal / Director.
Students are not permitted to conduct any programmes without prior
permission of Principal / Director.
Students are not permitted to remain in the class rooms except
during class hours
The use of mobile phones is banned in school, hostels and hospital.
Students are forbidden from directly addressing higher authorities.
All communications must be submitted through the Principal /
Director who will forward them if necessary. Each student is
responsible for the personal belongings. They are warned not to keep
valuables in their rooms.
Each student to whom any article / property of the institution is
issued shall be responsible for its preservation in good condition
and in the event of its being lost or damaged, shall be required to
replace it or defray its cost.
Medically unfit students will not be allowed to continue the course.
If a student withdraws from the course during the period of studies
he / she shall be liable to pay the entire course fees. The
certificates will be returned only after paying all the dues to the
From the second year onwards the students are paid a monthly stipend
The students are not allowed to accept gift of any kind from the
patients or relatives.
After the completion of the course the student shall undergo one /
two year of service at Jubilee Mission Hospital for further
Indiscipline of any sort, disobedience, dishonesty, negligence will
not be tolerated and will attract severe punishment - even expulsion
from the institution. This is being made very clear to all candidates
who aspire to join this institution.
Students should be punctual in their attendance for classes and other duties.
There should be a minimum of 75% in both theory and practical classes to appear for the year end examination
Any absence without proper reasons will attract disciplinary action.
Special classes may be arranged for the benefit of the students at any time and the students should attend the classes punctually.
Students should be punctual in their attendance for classes and other duties.
Students are permitted 30 days leave in an academic year. Sick leave will be allowed only after submitting the sick leave form signed by the authorized medical officer. The sick leave letter is to be submitted to the Principal through class co-ordinator. 30 days leaves are assigned at such times as is most convenient for the work of the hospital, and the School of nursing. If the student is unable to return in time due to illness a medical certificate should be forwarded to the Principal. All extra leaves and absences have to be made up by the student before completing the course. Leave from a class-period will be granted by the Tutor in charge of the class. For the absence for one or more days, permission should be obtained from the Principal.
Absence without authorized leave will be counted as absence and will entail forfeiture of two days of attendance.
While on duty in the Hospital all students will be under the direct supervision of Ward Sisters in charge and tutors. All are expected to be punctual in coming to and going from the Hospital
Nurses are forbidden to accept gift of any kind from the patients or their relatives. They are forbidden to borrow or lend money or things.
Students are not allowed to inter-change their duty-hours without permission from the Principal or Tutors.
Students should be punctual for their meals and no meals will be served after the fixed time and not allowed to take food to rooms.
They should sit at the place provided for them in the dining hall and clean up carefully after meals.
The servants of the hostel should not be directly approached for individual services. If any thing wanted, please go to the Principal or Tutors for necessary arrangements.
Students are allowed to go home on Sundays only according to the schedule depending on the discretion of Principal.
1st Sunday 1st years
Departure on Saturday Evening & Arrival on Sunday Evening
2nd Sunday 2nd years
Departure on Saturday Evening & Arrival on Sunday Evening
3rd Sunday 3rd years
Departure on Saturday Evening & Arrival on Sunday Evening
4th Sunday 4th years
Departure on Saturday Evening & Arrival on Sunday Evening
Guests should be instructed first inform the warden or her deputy who will call the students to the visitors room; other students are not expected to do guest duties.
Nurses are prohibited from receiving visitors in the Hospital or in Nurses Room.
No students is allowed to go out for any visiting without special permission from the sister in duty; and if she is allowed, she should reach back before 6.30 pm to the Hospital and report to the Sisters.
For visiting patients in the Hospital, students must secure permission from the Sister-in-charge. Except on duty they are not permitted to go to the Hospital Wards or any other departments.
The students while on duty or on prescribed occasions shall wear the uniform according to the school rules. Each should maintain a few sets of uniform in good condition at all times. Rules of modesty should strictly be observed.
The warden will make all necessary arrangements for washing of dress. No private arrangements should be made by individual student.
When to report : at the first sign of any ill health
Where to report : to the sister-in-charge. If on duty-hours report the matter to the Ward-sister.
When a student is attacked with any contagious disease she is expected to go home for treatment.
Complete silence should be kept at all times in the Dormitory, Library and adjacent verandas. Silence period for rest and study is 2 pm to 3 pm and 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm.
Library Hours: 8.30 am to 7.30 pm.
Admission to the library is restricted to the students and staff of the institution with proper ID cards.
Members entering the library shall write their name, status, department and time of entrance and the departure in the register kept at the counter for the purpose.
Students are allowed to borrow two books at a time and will be permitted to retain the same for a period not exceeding 5 days.
Students who voluntarily withdraw from the school shall be required to pay all the expenses incurred by the Institute. The tuition and other fees paid once by a student shall not be refunded.
Examination fee will be levied according to the Government rules.’
All personal expenses such as for clothing, traveling, washing and other incidental items should be met by the student.
5.00 am
Chapel prayers
5.40 am
Break fast
6.30 am to 10.30 am
Roll Call
7.15 am
Duty time
7.30 am
Mid-morning refreshment
9.30 to 11 am
12 to 2 pm
3.30 to 5 pm
Evening Prayers
7.10 pm
7.15 pm to 8 .30 pm
8.30 pm to 10.30 pm
Rest (Light off)
10.45 pm
Anatomy & Physiology
This course is designed to help students to gain knowledge of the structure and function of the human body and recognize any deviation from normal health in order to render effective nursing services.
This course is designed to help students to gain knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and activities of micro organisms, how they react under different conditions and how they cause different disorders and diseases. Knowledge of these principles will enable students to understand and adopt practices associated with preventive and promotive health care.
This course is designed to help students to understand the dynamics of human behaviour and concept of mental health. This will enable them to develop positive attitude and good inter-personal relationships in the practice of nursing in all health care settings.
This course is designed to help student gain an understanding of sociology in the context of its relevance to nursing practice.
Fundamentals of Nursing
This course is designed to help students develop an ability to meet the basic health need of the patients with regard to nursing care and develop skill in the competencies required for rendering effective patient care.
First Aid
This course is designed to help students develop an understanding of community emergencies and be able to render first aid services as and when need arises.
Personal Hygiene
This course is designed to help students acquire the concept of health, an understanding of the principles of personal health and its relation to nursing in health and disease.
Community Health Nursing
This course is designed to help students gain and understanding of the concept of community health in order to introduce them to the wider horizons of rendering nursing services in a community set-up, both in urban and rural areas.
Environmental Hygiene
This course is designed to help the students acquire the concept of health, understanding of the principles of environmental health and its relation to nursing in health and disease.
Health Education and Communication Skills
This course is designed to help students to acquire the concept of health education and understanding of the principles underlying health education in order to develop an ability to communicate effectively with the patients, community, health team members and others.
This course is designed to help students to understand that nutrition is an integral component of health since nutrients play a vital role in the growth, development and maintenance of the body.
This course is designed to help students to develop an ability to comprehend spoken and written English, so as to communicate effectively in this language.
Medical Surgical Nursing -1
This course will help students to understand the concept of disease and disease process. Students will be able to gain knowledge and develop understanding of various medical, surgical disorders and diseases. They will be able to give comprehensive nursing care to patients with these diseases.
Medical Surgical Nursing-II
This course will help students to understand the concept of diseases and disease process. Students will be able to gain knowledge and develop understanding of various medical surgical specialty disorders and diseases. They will be able to give comprehensive nursing care to patients with these diseases.
Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
This course is designed to help students to develop the concept of mental illness, its causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment modalities and nursing management of mentally ill.
Computers in Nursing
This course is designed to help students to gain a basic understanding of computers in order to utilize this in rendering effective nursing care in different settings.
Midwifery and Gynaecological Nursing
This course is designed to help students to acquire knowledge and gain skill to meet the health needs of women during the period of pregnancy, labor and puerperium. The students will be able to identify different gynaecological disorders and diseases and gain skill in proving nursing care to women suffering from these disorders and diseases.
Community Health Nursing II
This course is designed to help the students gain in-depth knowledge of community health and community health nursing services. On completion of this course, the students will be able to function at the first level in various community health settings both in urban and rural areas.
Paediatric Nursing
This course is designed to help the students develop an understanding of the concept of child health, the trends in child care and the heath problems of children. This will enable the students to meet the needs of the children, in health and sickness.
Educational Methods & Media for Teaching In Practice of Nursing.
This course is designed to introduce the students to the concept of teaching as and integral part of nursing, its relationship to nursing process and also the importance of effective communication in nursing.
Professional Trends and Adjustments
This course is designed to help students to develop an understanding of the career opportunities available, limitations of nursing professional development.
Administration and ward Management
This course aims at giving the student an elementary understanding of basic principle of administration and its application to the management of ward and health unit.
Guidance & Support cell
School is equipped with Guidance and Support Cell to give timely assistance in needy students.
To reinforce the students spiritually the school has arranged retreat programme every year at the end of the Board examination.
As per the institutional policy tours were arranged for 1st year and 4th year students.
Developmental Programmes
All the health related days will be organized and celebrated by our nursing students
Motivational Classes
Motivational classes are conducted by school faculties and external faculties.
Spoken English Classes
Spoken English classes were conducted as per Board instruction.
Quiz competitions were conducting as per health related days.
Self Development program
Staff development program is organized on 1st Wednesday of every
month and all staffs will participate in the program. Scientific
papers and general topics will be presented and all staff will
actively participate in the program
Workshop attended
Faculty members participated workshops conducted by INC