Associate Professor -Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute -( 2011- )
Assistant Professor - Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute -(2006-2011)
Relationship between adeno tonsillar hypertrophy and otitis media with effusion -( International Journal of Contemporary Research -2018)
Prospective study of therapeutic effects of voice therapy in benign vocal cord lesions -( International journal of advanced research -2023)
Role of Heat stable fraction of alkaline phosphatase lipid peroxidation and uric acid in the early detection of pre- eclampsia -( Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences - 2016)
Serum markers of iron metabolism in individuals with diabetes mellitus from a population with high prevalence of anaemia - (Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences -2016)
A study on association of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus on high sensitivity C - reactive protein -( Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences - 2016)
Complications of endoscopic surgeries -(Indian Journal of Applied Research - 2019)
Hearing outcome following canal wall down mastoidectomy with and without mastoid cavity obliteration and round window shielding - a comparative observational study -( International Journal of Scientific Research -2019)
Prospective study on temporal bone involvement in polytrauma patients and the effectof early diagnosis on hearing loss - ( Indian Journal of Otolaryngology an head and neck surgery -2020)