Geriatric care management is the process of planning and coordinating care of the elderly and others with physical and / or mental impairments to meet their long term care needs, improve their quality of life, and maintain their independence for as long as possible. Geriatric care management integrates health, social care and psychological care with other needed services such as: home care services, nutritional services, assistance with activities of daily living, socialization programs etc. It is a preventive, proactive approach to healthcare that reduces the risk of hospitalizations, nursing home admissions and healthcare costs. The population of elderly citizens (above 60yrs) is on the rise with Kerala having a highest average. As a part of providing Geriatric care to the needy elderly population, JMMC&RI has embarked on a mission to provide care at your home.

Geriatric home care: Hospital @ Home


Geriatric Home Care Team


Geriatric Home Care Services


Benefits of Jubilee Mission Geriatric Home Care Service


Difference of Geriatric Care and Palliative Care
